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Why do you need a website vulnerability scanner?

  • Protect your most important sales and marketing tool.
  • Fix weaknesses that could cause downtime, lose sales or damage your brand.
  • Avoid any changes, plugins or new connections adding flaws.

What happens when you use Intruder’s website security scanner?

You don’t need to stop making changes or improvements to your website. With a website security scanner you can find any issues as soon as they appear - before attackers do.

Scan your website for vulnerabilities today

Continuously check for vulnerabilities across your entire website and infrastructure.

Test your website security 

  • Intruder works with many platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Squarespace and more.
  • Check for unencrypted admin or exposed databases, SQL injection and XSS, and other misconfigurations.
  • See when SSL or TLS certificates expire and reduce downtime.

Secure your website

Safeguard your internal systems and website against every potential threat.

Protect your website in real time and uncover malicious code.

Our internal scanning searches for missing patches and insecure software components to secure your systems before it’s too late.

Streamline your website security

Intruder works seamlessly with your existing tech stack. No need for lengthy installations or complex configuration. A range of integrations make vulnerability management a breeze:

  • Cloud integrations
  • Slack
  • Jira
  • MS Teams
  • Zapier

Get a better user experience 

New to cyber security and finding scan results challenging? With Intruder, it doesn’t need to be difficult.

  • Reports are easy to understand, explaining what could happen if any issues are exploited.
  • We don’t use jargon but provide the detail your teams need to remediate issues.
  • Separating informational from actionable means you’re free to focus on what matters.

Deeper coverage of your assets

Looking for deeper scanning to identify weaknesses behind your login pages?

Intruder’s authenticated web application scanning is just what you need.

Web App Vulnerability Management

What our customers say

We were in need of a testing product that would test from the inside out and outside in. That's what first attracted us to Intruder. The product is well laid out with a clear, concise Cloud interface. 

Roy McKenzie

Roy McKenzie

Director of Information Technology,
G&S Foods LLC

I really like how Intruder integrated with our internal company comms (ie Slack), this meant we stayed on top of the notifications it produced. Time is critical when it comes to security vulns so it’s helpful to have messages from Intruder next to our daily workflows.

Will Lewis

Senior Engineering Manager,

Not only does Intruder save me time and money, but it helps us close deals. Some customers are now requiring regular network scans in order to do business with SaaS companies. By utilizing Intruder we're able to meet client demand and ensure we're doing the right thing to keep our customer trust.

Justin Unton

Head of Information Security at Litmus

Auto-discovery, a very proactive set of scans against emerging threats and solid notifications. Intruder is a tool I can forget about unless I need to. Rock solid UX.

James Ramirez



Is there a difference between a website and a web application?

A website (eg. intruder.io) doesn’t do much; there’s very little interactivity, no logging in – in short, it’s a collection of static web pages. A web application that can be viewed within a browser can have a lot of features/functionality and is like a piece of software (eg. portal.intruder.io).

What do you mean by scanning your website, internally?

When we talk about scanning the website internally, we’re actually talking about scanning the web server that the website is hosted on. Web servers are internet-facing, but any sensitive information connected to them (such as databases) will sit behind a firewall, to prevent them from being reached by unauthorized individuals.

If ‘stuff’ can’t be reached externally, then remote checks won’t work and so you’d need to run local checks (at Intruder all local/internal checks are performed via an agent which you’d install on the server).

What vulnerabilities would you typically find on a website? 

With so many vulnerabilities out there, it's impossible to list them all, but this article should give you an understanding of the different types of weaknesses we can detect, and how we do it.

Can I scan my website if it is built using a web app, such as WordPress, etc?

Intruder works with many platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Squarespace and more.

Which plan should I choose if I just want to scan my website?

Choose our Essential or Pro plan to externally scan your website. If you are looking at our internal vulnerability scanning capability, this is only available to our Pro and Vanguard subscribers. Visit our pricing page to learn more.

What license should I buy for a website that doesn’t have a login-page?

Buy any of our Essential or Pro plans that cover infrastructure licenses by default. Visit our pricing page to learn more.

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Start your 14-day free trial

of Intruder's website security scanner, to provide continuous protection for your systems today!