
What's new? Product updates from Intruder April 2024

Andy Hornegold
Andy Hornegold
VP of Product

Key Points

Check out what's new at Intruder in Q2 2024 including scanning single page apps (SPAs), improved cloud connections, and more! Watch our video for the latest updates from VP of Product, Andy Hornegold.

Released in Q1

Enhanced Web App Scanning

In Q1, we built upon the progress we made in 2023 around web app scanning. Now you can scan single page applications (SPA) with Intruder!

Need a recap? Here's the web app scanning improvements we made in 2023:

Curious and want to learn more about single page applications? Read our blog about it here.

Not an Intruder customer? Get a 14-day free trial today and start scanning your SPAs.

Comprehensive Cloud Connections

We improved our existing AWS integration, giving you the ability to add AWS accounts at the organization level, rather than having to do it individually. It makes things easier, saves you time, and increases your cloud coverage. You won't have to worry about any missing targets in your attack surface, as cloud assets in AWS are synced and added as targets in Intruder automatically.

This update applies to customers on our premium plan. Curious about premium? Speak to the team and get a trial of premium today.

In addition to our work on our AWS integration, we now automatically identify AWS targets that need an API schema. Whenever you add a target from AWS (or when we pull one in automatically), we’ll analyze it to see if an API is present. If it is, we'll prompt you to add a schema to your target, meaning you get better coverage and find more issues.

Automatically Discover Login Pages

We now scan your targets for the presence of a login page. If we find one, we prompt you to add an authentication to that target. Adding authentications to targets with login pages allows us to run additional checks, find more issues, and ensure your web apps are more secure. Want to learn more? Read all about the update here.

What's next on the roadmap?

In Q2, we will be focusing heavily on Attack Surface Management. Before we dive into what features we're going to build, lets talk about what Attack Surface Management means to us.

What do we mean by Attack Surface Management?

  • Discovering your assets and services
  • Understanding what you own and what's exposed
  • Minimizing exposure by patching current vulnerabilities and fixing misconfigurations & exposed services.

Want to learn the difference between Vulnerability Management and Attack Surface Management? Read our blog where we explain it in detail.

Expanding Attack Surface Management in Q2

Here is what we are building to help you protect your attack surface:

  • Attack surface discovery: Find all your subdomains exposed to the internet with subdomain enumeration.
  • Attack surface visibility: Get a complete picture of your attack surface in one, searchable place.
  • Attack surface issue detection: Discover more vulnerabilities, with 1000+ additional checks.
  • Cloud integration prompt: Automatically find new assets in your cloud environment on an ongoing basis.

More features!

We're not just working on our attack surface management offering this quarter. We're also adding to our overall feature set:

  • Automatically detect when a target is being blocked by a web application firewall (WAF) so you can ensure your targets are being fully scanned
  • Empower your team with the ability to manage their own scans

Make sure you don't miss out on any of these features by registering for our next addition of Office House with Intruder

Got some ideas?

Are you an existing customer or on a trial with us and have something you want us to add to the roadmap? Submit a feature request here.

Latest product tour and Q&A available on-demand

You can also watch our recent Office Hours: Product Tour and Q&A session that walks new users through the most important features available in the platform. Discover: 

  • Key features and how to get set up correctly to start scanning.
  • Tips to be as secure as possible.
  • 1:1 Q&A with Support.

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Ultimate Guide to Vulnerability Scanning

Learn everything you need to get started with vulnerability scanning and how to get the most out of your chosen product with our free PDF guide.

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